Azerbaijan to vaccinate citizens aged 16-18 against COVID-19

  07 September 2021    Read: 493
 Azerbaijan to vaccinate citizens aged 16-18 against COVID-19

Citizens aged 16-18 in Azerbaijan will be vaccinated against coronavirus in exceptional cases, the Ministry of Health told 

Given the current epidemiological situation, the official permits of the European Medicines Agency, the US Food and Drug Administration for the injection of the mRNT Pfizer (Comirnaty) vaccine to adolescents, the Scientific Medical Council of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan and the Scientific Committee of the Management Union of Medical Territorial Units (TABIB) made the following decisions:

1. In Azerbaijan, in exceptional cases, adolescents aged 16-18 will be vaccinated with mRNT Pfizer (Comirnaty) against COVID-19.

2. For the vaccination of adolescents 16-18 years old, a written statement from one of the parents and the consent of both parents will be required, indicating the reason for the injection of the vaccine.

3. Vaccination of adolescents will be carried out in a centralized manner in the Baku Health Center.

To do this, you need to register and take a queue at the link:

More about: coronavirus   vaccine  

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