US Offered to Recover Snowden`s Passport for Deportation - Lawyer

  09 September 2015    Read: 892
US Offered to Recover Snowden`s Passport for Deportation - Lawyer
US diplomats offered to recover the passport of former National Security Agency contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden only to have him deported back to the United States from Russia, Snowden’s lawyer Anatoly Kucherena said Wednesday.

Snowden’s passport was cancelled after he arrived in Moscow from Hong Kong, which became a legal obstacle, making him unable to leave Russia.

"US diplomats came to me and said they were ready to recover his passport, but only in one direction – Russia-the United States… Yes, they offered this deal. I said that it was nonsense, you either recover his passport [without limitations], or you don’t do it at all," Kucherena told the Rossiya-1 channel.

Former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Snowden broke into the international limelight in 2013, following the disclosure of classified documents about long-term US intelligence data collection in Europe and many other targets around the world.

In August 2013, Snowden was granted temporary asylum in Russia, one year later, he received a three-year residency permit in the country.

He could face up to 30 years in prison for espionage and theft of government property in the United States.

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