Ugly scenes at Hungary"s Serbian border as migrants clash with police - VIDEO

  09 September 2015    Read: 1186
Ugly scenes at Hungary"s Serbian border as migrants clash with police - VIDEO
Hundreds of desperate migrants have forced their way through police lines at a holding camp near Roszke in Hungary, close to the border with Serbia.
The situation is growing uglier by the hour.

The migrants mainly from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan do not want to be held and fingerprinted at holding camps, they want to head to Budapest and out of the country.

The UNHCR is in the center of the chaos.

Caroline van Buren is from the refugee organisation:“In the coming days UNHCR will set up a transit centre here, we will put up tents, will provide blankets, we will provide food, water. We are also working with the authorities so that the time people spend at the collection point as you call it will be shorter.”

As those held tried to flee the holding area police chased them down.

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