British mom bought daughter cocaine as 18th birthday present

  09 September 2015    Read: 1384
British mom bought daughter cocaine as 18th birthday present
A British mom caught with almost $1,000 worth of cocaine said she had bought it to celebrate her daughter"s 18th birthday.
Nicola Austen, 37, was arrested at home with nearly 6 grams of the drug, and told a court it was a gift for her teenage daughter’s birthday.

Austen told cops she planned to snort the drug with her daughter to “have a good time” on a night out in London.

Maidstone Crown Court in England heard how Austen had booked a limousine and planned to take the stash with her to “surprise” her daughter on her 18th birthday.

Craig Evans, prosecuting, told the court: “They were going to London in a limousine and she wanted to make sure they had a good time.”

The drugs were found by a police sniffer dog on January 31 in 12 wraps hidden in Austen’s bedroom, reported the Daily Mirror.

Danny Moore, defending, said Austen - who has six previous convictions, one for possessing amphetamines in 2010 - said it was a “great shame” that she found herself before the court.

He said: “It is to her great shame she finds herself in court - she appeared to have left this sort of thing behind.”

But Austen, who admitted possessing cocaine with intent to supply, avoided jail as she was handed nine months in jail, suspended for a year, and ordered to complete 250 hours of unpaid work.

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