Germany faces migrant chaos as troops put on alert

  12 September 2015    Read: 1014
Germany faces migrant chaos as troops put on alert
Germany has put 4,000 troops on standby as the country buckles under the pressure of the record-breaking number of migrants arriving in the country.
The German Defence Minister has admitted that the country verges on “an emergency” after cracks have begun to emerge in the “German generosity”.

Germany has been viewed as a leader on Europe’s worst refugee crisis for 70 years, with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s expectation that the country will take in 800,000 this year alone.

However, the move appears to have backfired as German towns struggle to process the unprecedented number of arrivals.

More migrants have arrived at Munich’s train station since the start of September than in the whole of 2014.

The German army order follows a move by the Hungarian parliament to pass laws to allow its forces to use rubber bullets and tear gas on migrants.

It will all end in tears.

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