'Around 1.5 Million Mines and Unexploded Munition Still in Azerbaijan’

  04 November 2023    Read: 747

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Mine Action Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Committee for Natural Resources, Energy and Ecology at the Milli Majlis have jointly organized a public hearing on ‘Combating Mine Threat: Impact of Explosive Ordnance on the Ecosystem’. The goal was to discuss the challenges the mine problem poses for environment and social development and to exchange views on joint solutions in this direction.

AzVision.az reports that the hearing was attended by the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Minister of Agriculture, Chairman of the Board of the Mine Action Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ANAMA), MPs of the Milli Majlis, representatives of the diplomatic corps, and officials from local and international organizations.

ANAMA Board Chairman Vugar Suleymanov stated that the Armenian military units contaminated Karabakh and East Zangazur with approximately 1.5 million mines and explosives throughout the occupation. These are regions initially rich in ecosystems and some of the purest and most naturally beautiful territories of our country:

‘This translates to a minimum of 480 tons of plastic mass contaminated with harmful substances. We have so far cleared 106,938.1 hectares of land, having detected and defused 30,539 anti-personnel mines, 18,202 anti-tank mines, 56,646 unexploded munitions, and 105,488 in total. It is our utmost responsibility to unite as institutions, international organizations, and civil society to support our mine action initiatives, help the affected population, and provide a world free of the horrors of mines and a healthy and safe environment for future generations. We can build a safer, cleaner environment and pave the road to a mine-free world through cooperation and mutual support.

Sources of clean water for the population – rivers, lakes, springs, and wells – have been drained and polluted with the explosive remnants of the war. The canals surrounding these basins have been contaminated with mines, turning them into a danger source.’

Suleymanov added that Tartar, Khachin, Gargar, Hakari, Kondelen and several other rivers bear the heavy burden of this hidden danger: ‘Despite all this, we successfully continue the demining operations in the liberated territories as per the instructions from the Head of State. ANAMA and other agencies have so far cleared 106,938.1 of land post-war. These agencies have so far cleared of explosive munitions 12,514.7 hectares of land designated for environmental assessment and scientific research, 6,261.4 for energy projects, 53,078.4 for agriculture, 3,421 for land reclamation and water management, 5,759 for transport infrastructure, 20,118 for reconstruction and residential infrastructure development, and 5,784.8 for other purposes.’


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