These NGOs are primarily involved in ecological and health domains. The coalition`s primary objective is the sustainable and legal monitoring of processes taking place in Armenia's mining industry, as well as strengthening efforts to combat environmental violations. Well-known NGOs are represented within the EPF, and previously, ecologically-oriented NGOs in Armenia responded to the coalition`s appeals and demonstrated solidarity.
The EPF is urging the Armenian government to open the doors of mining industry enterprises, which have caused ecological and health damage in the South Caucasus, for environmental monitoring. Just yesterday, 49 non-governmental organizations and environmental activists from 22 countries issued a statement condemning the activities conducted in Armenia's mining industry, citing violations of international environmental norms and standards that disrupt the global ecosystem. They are demanding environmental justice for the South Caucasus region.
Last week, the Environmental Protection First Coalition and civil society organizations from Armenia and other foreign countries involved in ecology and health, along with international institutions, expressed readiness to conduct environmental monitoring in the Amuldagh gold deposit.
The coalition received numerous appeals for joining, with environmental organizations from different countries around the world expressing messages of solidarity. As a result, 19 NGOs have already joined the coalition.
Below is the list of organizations that have recently joined the Environmental Protection First Coalition:
1. Tukazban Aghababayeva, "Eco Hub" Environmental Initiatives Support Public Union
2. Elman Yusifov, "Ekostil-Azerbaijan" Nature Protection Public Union
3. Islam Mustafayev, "Ruzgar" Ecological Public Union
4. Mugabil Bayramov, "Azerbaijan Cartographers" Public Union
5. Tavakkul Isgandarov, "Biological Diversity Center" Public Union
6. Rovshan Abbasov, "Towards a Healthy Life" Ecological Public Union
7. Zurab Israfilov, "Azerbaijan Nature Protection Society" Public Union
8. Sabina Verdiyeva, "Family and Environment" Public Union
9. Latafat Alizade, "Health and Healthy Life" Public Union
10. Irada Hasanova, Head of the “Sky and Eco” Assistance to Social and Economic Development Public Union
11. Chingiz Ramazanli, "Towards a Tuberculosis Free Future" Public Union
12. Jasarat Huseynzade, "Support for Information and Social Initiatives" Public Union
13. Elman Jafarli, "Green World" Environmental Awareness Public Union
14. Sevil Isayeva, “Ekolex" Environmental Law Center Public Union
15. Rubaba Huseynli, "Ecologist" Environmental Protection Public Union
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