Singapore's minister praises Azerbaijan's activity regarding COP29

  15 May 2024    Read: 1524

Sahiba Gafarova, Speaker of Azerbaijan’s Milli Majlis, met with Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment of Singapore as part of her official visit to the country, the parliament's press service told 

During the meeting, the two expressed their confidence that the visit of Azerbaijan’s Speaker to Singapore would contribute to further bolstering and enhancing of relations between the two countries. Hailing the development of cooperation between the countries spanning various domains, they emphasized that the existing opportunities between the two countries pave the way for deepening of relations.

The officials also engaged in discussions related to COP29. Speaker Gafarova provided an insight into the work done in preparation for this prestigious international event, scheduled to be held in Baku. Gafarova underscored that holding the COP29 in Azerbaijan shows the international community's great respect and trust in Azerbaijan. She underlined that the participation of all parties is essential to advance climate action and achieve the goals.

Sahiba Gafarova noted that Azerbaijan’s Milli Majlis is actively involved in the events to be held within the COP29. She informed the Singapore minister about the Parliamentary session to be arranged by Milli Majlis jointly with the Inter-Parliamentary Union. The sides deliberated the participation of representatives from Singapore in this landmark event.

Minister Grace Fu commended Azerbaijan's activities regarding the hosting of COP29. Highlighting the small island states’ fighting back against climate change and the measures that can be taken in this area, she described the Southeast Asian region as one of the regions that could be most severely affected by climate change. Grace Fu underscored that the Singapore Government keeps the climate-related challenges in the spotlight. The minister also noted that Singapore is committed to meeting decarbonisation goals.

Speaker Sahiba Gafarova shed light on the work done by Azerbaijan in the area of green energy, as well as the projects implemented, the ongoing reconstruction and restoration works in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, the implementation of the "smart city" and "smart village" projects, as well as the efficient and purposeful utilization of alternative energy sources in Azerbaijan.

The pair also exchanged views on other issues of mutual interest.

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