Azerbaijani FM receives CIS first deputy SecGen

  02 September 2024    Read: 785
  Azerbaijani FM receives CIS first deputy SecGen

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov received a delegation headed by the First Deputy Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Leonid Anfimov, who is on a visit to the country to observe the extraordinary elections to the Azerbaijani Parliament, on September 2, 2024, reports.

In the course of the meeting, the agenda of cooperation between Azerbaijan and CIS, as well as issues related to the elections, were discussed.

The minister emphasized that the first parliamentary elections held on September 1 after the full restoration of the country's sovereignty are an important historical and political event, informed about the steps taken to hold free, fair, and transparent elections, including those related to the participation of international observers in the process.

Anfimov noted that, as in the case of presidential elections, these parliamentary elections are of special importance for the Azerbaijani people and that the elections were free and transparent. Presenting information on the activities of the CIS observation mission in connection with the elections, he noted that these parliamentary elections are the 12th elections observed by the organization's delegation in Azerbaijan. He stressed that the CIS mission, consisting of 133 people, is the second most representative mission in the elections, and they witnessed the successful organization of the elections in the whole territory of the country, including the territories liberated from occupation.

The sides also exchanged views on other issues of mutual interest at the meeting.

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