Armenia's provocations necessitate anti-terrorist measures - official

  07 September 2024    Read: 859

The provocations committed by Armenia in the period after the signing of the Trilateral Statement led to the need to carry out anti-terrorist measures, Azerbaijani Defense Ministry's spokesman, Colonel Anar Eyvazov said in an interview with the ministry's website on the occasion of the first anniversary of the successful completion of anti-terrorist measures, reports.

"On September 19 last year, two vehicles belonging to the state structures of our country were blown up by mines laid by reconnaissance and sabotage groups of illegal Armenian armed formations on the Ahmedbeyli-Fuzuli-Shusha highway, as a result of which the police officers, civilians and military personnel who were in them were killed and injured.

At the direction of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, in order to ensure the provisions of the Trilateral Statement, prevent large-scale provocations in the Karabakh economic region, disarm the units of the Armenian armed forces and withdraw them from our territories, neutralize their military infrastructure, ensure the safety of the civilian population returning to the territories liberated from occupation, as well as civilian workers involved in restoration and construction work, and our military personnel, restore the constitutional order of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Armed Forces carried out anti-terrorist measures in the Karabakh economic region.

As part of the events using high-precision weapons, the positions of the remnants of the Armenian armed forces and illegal Armenian armed formations, long-term firing points, as well as combat equipment and other legitimate military targets were disabled. As a result of the disarmament of illegal armed groups and the liquidation of the separatist regime, Azerbaijan's sovereignty over the Karabakh economic region was fully restored," Anar Eyvazov said.

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