Another project by Heydar Aliyev Foundation implemented for new school year in Khachmaz

  17 September 2024    Read: 527
 Another project by Heydar Aliyev Foundation implemented for new school year in Khachmaz

Constructed in 1938, the secondary school in the Istisu settlement of Khachmaz district had fallen into disrepair over time. As a result, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation selected this settlement for its latest educational project.

Construction of the new school, launched earlier this year, has been completed, and the institution was commissioned for use by pupils and teachers on the Day of Knowledge.

The three-story school consists of two buildings and is designed to accommodate 320 pupils. It has been fully furnished and equipped with modern facilities. The school features specialized classrooms for physics, chemistry, biology, information technology, military training, first aid, and labor training, along with laboratories equipped with visual aids.

Additionally, the school includes a library, assembly hall, sports halls, and an outdoor sports ground. Renovation and landscaping were also completed in the school’s backyard.

From its inception, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has approached the field of education with great care, declaring it a priority. Through initiatives such as "New Schools for New Azerbaijan" and "Support for Education," the Foundation has significantly contributed to improving educational standards in Azerbaijan. Schools constructed or renovated by the Foundation play a key role in enhancing the quality of education.

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