Robert Cekuta: COP29 to address a tough issue this year

  26 September 2024    Read: 406
Robert Cekuta: COP29 to address a tough issue this year

“I think the important thing is that, this is a sort of discussions here talking. This is a critical step forward in a long term process of fighting climate change, of reducing carbon,” President of Hudson Partners, former US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Robert Cekuta told journalists.

“This year’s issue is a tough one. This is the question of financing. That means there has been a lot of discussion about how will we generate the funds needed from governments, private sector, from the multilateral development for the World Bank and such and so forth. But, one of the things which İ am concerned how we are going to receive the money. Who's going to receive those funds? How are we going to be able to sort of get the projects up and running that can indeed cut carbon emissions and can basically make for a safer, more secure future for all of us? Much of the discussion may be rather dry, but those dry facts, those questions about not just the supply of the funds, but how those funds are going to be received and used, is exceedingly important” the ambassador added.

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