Terraforming the Red Planet: Nuclear Blasts Could Warm Mars for Humans?

  05 October 2015    Read: 1450
Terraforming the Red Planet: Nuclear Blasts Could Warm Mars for Humans?
Elon Musk, the head of aerospace manufacturer SpaceX, who had earlier come up with the idea of dropping two thermonuclear bombs on Mars, explained that this step could make a colonization of the Red Planet a reality.
The magnate and founder of SpaceX Exploration Company detailed his plan on shelling of Mars with nuclear bombs, stressing it wouldn’t be as disasterous for the Red Planet as one might think if explosions were fired high enough above its surface.

Commenting on the recent discovery of water on the surface of Mars, Musk said this breakthrough has fueled his ambitions to continue work on the planet’s exploration, with a further goal to colonize the planet.

But before that, climate change on Mars is badly needed, he says.

According to Musk, making the Red Planet livable for human beings is impossible without warming its surface temperature up. And to heat Mars up, he explained, it’s essential to fire two scorching suns above both poles of the planet. He pointed out that those nuclear blasts are needed for the creation of two dwarf stars similar to the sun, which would rapidly heat the planet’s atmosphere.

"[Nuclear blasts] would gasify frozen carbon dioxide, thicken the atmosphere and warm up the water and all of that would have a greenhouse effect and have a cascading effect to continue warming up the planet," he told Mashable.

The businessman concluded that the technology that would allow the creation of such blasts has yet to be developed.

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