How Many Agents Are Working Hillary

  13 January 2016    Read: 3293
How Many Agents Are Working Hillary
The FBI`s corruption case on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is back in the headlines, with the latest development being the number of agents on her case.

Former federal prosecutor Joseph DiGenova, who has sources in the FBI, told The Washington Examiner that there are 150 FBI agents on Clinton`s case, which he described as "a very unusually high number."

DiGenova also told the Examiner that the FBI "is presently preparing subpoenas for the [Clinton] foundation`s financial records, among other pieces of evidence." He predicted that Attorney General Loretta Lynch would be forced to indict Clinton as a result of pressure from the FBI.

The corruption case stems from Clinton`s use of a private email server during her tenure in the State Department–which is a felony in and of itself–and the likelihood and her private email use was used to hide shady dealings at the Clinton Foundation, as Townhall`s Guy Benson details here. The Daily Wire`s Hank Berrien wrote on Monday:

One source admitted to Fox News that FBI agents would be “screaming” if Clinton is not prosecuted because “many previous public corruption cases have been made and successfully prosecuted with much less evidence than what is emerging in this investigation.” The lack of prosecution against Clinton puts the FBI in a bad light, since far less evidence accrued damning former CIA Director David Petraeus, whose exposure of classified material to his mistress and biographer Paula Broadwell was still used to prompt his plea of guilty to a misdemeanor in March 2015.

The Clinton camp is clearly concerned about this, as Media Matters is trying to label DiGenova as a "discredited Republican lawyer" by citing accusations from a Democratic congressman without providing any proof to substantiate those claims. The founder of Media Matters, David Brock, is a staunch Clinton ally who has even compared Clinton to his own mother. The fact that Media Matters is dedicating lengthy posts to smear DiGenova reflects the fear among the Clinton campaign of Her Majesty`s legal issues.

Sen. Bernie Sanders is gaining steam against Clinton–fast–and the questions involving Clinton`s corruption will only thicken the plot within the Democratic primary.

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