Armenia does not pay for treatment and recreation of military servicemen

  02 May 2016    Read: 868
Armenia does not pay for treatment and recreation of military servicemen
Armenia does not pay the amount intended for its military servicemen
According to the current law, every serviceman is entitled to social assistance allowance of 72,000 drams (225 manats). However not all military servicemen get this social assistance. The amount has to be paid via the bank but has been being paid in cheque for 3-4 years. The number of companies carrying out the payment has increased. Note that some of the shareholders of these companies are affiliated with Defense Ministry officials.

Some military servicemen told journalists that they have received only 40,000 drams (125 manats) and the rest of the amount is embezzled by the companies. A few months ago, it was even worse; a large portion of the amount allocated for military servicemen were embezzled by the serving organizations. In short, military servicemen do not get the amount allocated for their treatment and recreation.

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