Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway inaugurated

Agreement on the construction of the Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway was signed in 2007, while construction work began in 2009.
Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway is part of the North-South international transport corridor. A project, called the North-South, is being implemented on the basis of an agreement signed in 2007 by Turkmenistan, Iran and Kazakhstan.
The railway length is 925 kilometers in total, with 85 kilometers on Iran`s territory, 700 on Turkmenistan`s territory and the remaining 140 on Kazakhstan`s territory.
Preliminary estimates show that originally 3 to 5 million metric tons of cargos per year will be transported via this route. In the long term the transportation will increase to 10-12 million metric tons.
There can also be a modal redistribution of transit goods: a shift of freight from motor vehicles, sea or air transport to railway transport.
The project is being implemented with an assistance of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB).