Georgia urges int

  27 December 2014    Read: 1395
Georgia urges int
Following the signature of the so called "treaty on alliance and strategic partnership" on the 24th of November 2014 between the Russian Federation and the Sokhumi proxy regime, the proxy regime of Tskhinvali published so called draft "treaty on alliance and integration" with the Russian Federation on the 18th of December 2014, Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia condemns the so called draft "treaty" and considers the attempt of its conclusion as a flagrant violation of international law and an action directed towards the annexation of Georgia`s territories. This so called "treaty" is void ab initio and is without of any legal consequences.

The so called draft "treaty" envisages the full integration of the occupied Tskhinvali region/South Osetia into the Russian Federation through unlawful acts such as: carrying out coordinated "internal" and "external" policies; ensuring defense and security for the so called "republic of south Ossetia, as well as the defense of the so called "border" by the Russian Federation; forming the so called "South Ossetian Republic`s armed forces and security organs" as part of the armed forces and federal security services of the Russian Federation; dissolving checkpoints at the "Russia-South Ossetia border" and establishing free movement of persons; merging the Tskhinvali proxy regime`s customs services with the Russian Federation`s customs services, resulting in full transmission of all the pertinent capabilities to the Russian Federation; extending the laws in force in the Russian Federation to the territory of the Tskhinvali region; unifying the `laws" of the so called "South Ossetian Republic" with the legislation of the Russian Federation in such spheres as: economy, culture, education, social care, etc.

It must be stressed that these actions represent a follow-up to the process of aggression that the Russian Federation has been carrying out against Georgia since the beginning of the 90s, and the occupation of Georgian territories that has been continuing since 2008. The Russian Federation is deliberately aiming at annexing the Tskhinvali region/South Osetia through the so called draft "treaty".
The actions determined by this so called draft "treaty" contradict the fundamental principles of the international law such as: the non-interference in the internal affairs of state, threat or use of force, sovereign equality of states, the inviolability of borders, territorial integrity, and the fulfilment in good faith of obligations under international law.
It must be emphasized that under the so called draft "treaty", considering aggression/ armed attack by any state against the so called "Republic of South Ossetia", as an armed attack against the Russian Federation, totally contradicts the UN Charter and specifically Article 51, according to which solely Georgia is entitled to self-defense against armed attack on its territories.

This so called "treaty" also violates the commitments undertaken by the Russian Federation under the 2008 Ceasefire Agreement. This is of particular concern given the absence of international arrangements in the occupied regions and Russia`s refusal to commit itself to the non-use of force.

The Tskinvali region/South Osetia is an integral part of Georgia and any illegal military intervention or integration carried out by the Russian Federation constitute acts of aggression, occupation and de-facto annexation, which are directed against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia calls on upon the international community to give due legal and political assessment to the yet another intention of the Russian Federation and to exercise relevant pressure on the Russian Federation in order to prevent the signature of the document. A firm and unanimous support of the international community will be crucial to put an end to the on-going military aggression, occupation and final annexation by the Russian Federation.

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