‘Holy grail of US journalism’ : WikiLeaks releases transcripts of Clinton’s paid Wall St. speeches

  16 October 2016    Read: 2737
‘Holy grail of US journalism’ : WikiLeaks releases transcripts of Clinton’s paid Wall St. speeches
WikiLeaks has released what it dubbed the “holy grail of journalism”: full transcripts of three paid speeches that the Democratic presidential candidate gave to Goldman Sachs back in 2013. The transcripts were discovered in the trove of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair’s leaked emails.

The highlighted texts were taken from John Podesta’s hacked email account, and published by WikiLeaks along with the eighth batch of Clinton’s campaign chair’s emails.

The speeches were made at private events back in 2013 after Clinton had already left the State Department.

The transcripts were attached to a January 23, 2016 email titled "Goldman Sachs paid speeches" sent by top campaign aide Tony Carrk, who apparently marked potentially problematic passages should the speeches ever be made public.

Hillary’s alleged cozy relations with Wall Street have repeatedly fallen under fire during the US presidential race, with her Democratic rival and now-supporter Bernie Sanders urging Clinton to release transcripts. She has in turn promised to make them public if the Republican candidate Donald Trump releases his tax returns.

Click here to access the emails.

/RT news/

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