Baku Initiative Group conference features discussions on legal frameworks and international obligations 

  01 May 2024    Read: 368
Baku Initiative Group conference features discussions on legal frameworks and international obligations 

The second panel of the conference “The Path to decolonization: Consequences of assimilation and its implications for the realization of human rights” organized by the Baku Initiative Group at the United Nations Office at Vienna, featured discussions on the topic "Development of human rights through legal frameworks and international obligations in the process of decolonization". The session saw speeches by representatives of French colonies and researchers from various universities who highlighted the pressing challenges caused by France's assimilation policy in the countries under the colonization despite legal frameworks and international obligations.

The speakers of the session, including Jean-Jacob Bicep, moderator of the conference, former member of the European Parliament, Secretary General of the People's Union for the Liberation of Guadeloupe, a member of the Baku Initiative Group from Guadeloupe, Edmond Mondésir, member of the National Council of People's Committees of Martinique, member of the "Ase Plere Annou Lite" movement and others touched upon the grave consequences of the assimilation policy, as well as the negative impact of colonialism on local communities, and exchanged ideas on the protection of the rights of people affected by this process and its solutions. They emphasized that France continues its colonization policy and assimilation even today, noting that the policy of assimilation aims to deprive the local population of their culture, traditions, and language, thus alienating them from their roots and history.

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