Fire in migrant center in Germany injures about 50

  06 January 2017    Read: 978
Fire in migrant center in Germany injures about 50
Over 50 people were injured, at least one of them gravely, in a fire in a migrant center in a municipality of Hoevelhof in western Germany, Sputnik reported.
Military barracks housing refugees caught fire at around 3:30 p.m. local time (14:30 GMT) and spread to the surrounding houses, as the building of the migrant center burned down completely, according to WDR 2 radio broadcaster, citing the spokesperson of the local police department.

According to the outlet, the rescue teams brought 30 people to hospital with 27 more, including two firefighters, treated at the scene.

As of now, the cause of the fire is undetermined and the experts will reportedly examine the site on Friday.

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