Writing a to-do list may help you sleep faster, study says

  14 January 2018    Read: 2218
Writing a to-do list may help you sleep faster, study says
Could the secret to a good night’s sleep be a pencil and paper?
Researchers at Baylor University published a study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology that claims writing a “to-do” list helps people get to sleep faster.

Study participants were either told to spend five minutes writing& down tasks they had accomplished over the previous few days or to write down a list of things they needed to complete.

The people who jotted down their to-do lists fell asleep faster and than those who wrote a “completed” list.

They even found the more specific the upcoming tasks were, for example writing “buy oranges” rather than “go to the grocery store,” the faster the participants slept.

The National Sleep Foundation says 40 percent of adults find it difficult to fall asleep a few times per month. Sounds like we all need to write a to-do list. Now, what’s on the schedule for tomorrow?

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