TANAP is another victory of Turkey, Azerbaijan, says President Aliyev

  13 June 2018    Read: 3817
TANAP is another victory of Turkey, Azerbaijan, says President Aliyev

The Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) is another victory of Turkey and Azerbaijan, said Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev.

He made the remarks addressing the opening ceremony of TANAP in Turkey’s Eskisehir city June 12.

“My dear brother, dear President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Dear presidents, ladies and gentlemen. First of all, I would like to express satisfaction with being on the soil of brotherly Turkey once again. We in Azerbaijan are very glad for Turkey’s success under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Turkey has turned into a great power as a result of President Erdogan’s tireless activity,” said President Aliyev.

The head of state noted that Turkey is a country which determines the world agenda.

“We in Azerbaijan are glad for that. Turkey’s strength is our strength, and our strength is in our unity. We have been demonstrating this unity for many years. Today, it is very difficult to find such countries that are so close to each other and support each other so much. The unity of Turkey and Azerbaijan, their fraternity are important factors for our countries, our peoples, our region and for Eurasia,” he added.

President Aliyev noted that the commissioning of TANAP today is another manifestation of the Turkey-Azerbaijan brotherhood.

TANAP is another victory of Turkey and Azerbaijan. TANAP is a historic project,” said the head of state.

“Today we are writing the energy history of the 21st century together. This is the history of cooperation. This is the history of stability. Our energy projects bring stability to our region. All countries, companies participating in these projects get benefit, peoples get benefit,” said President Aliyev.

The head of state noted that the implementation of such a huge project as TANAP became possible thanks to the joint strong political will of Turkish and Azerbaijani leaders.

“This is not the first project that we have implemented together. Prior to this, we marked the opening of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline in 2006. We together opened the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline in 2007. Last year, we opened the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway together. We attended all these opening ceremonies together with my dear brother Recep Tayyip Erdogan. We are together today, on this historic day as well. This shows that any project put forward on our initiative is realized, because thought-out policy, strong will and our brotherhood stands behind this,” said President Aliyev.

The head of state pointed out that over the last years, there were held many discussions and events on transportation of large volumes of Azerbaijani gas to Europe.

“But regretfully, they didn’t bring any result. In this case, Turkey and Azerbaijan decided to put forward a new project. We named it together as TANAP. The agreement on TANAP was signed in Istanbul in 2012 by Recep Tayyip Erdogan and me. On that day, during that signing ceremony, we expressed our wish to see this day and Allah granted us this. We have done great work over these years,” added President Aliyev.

More about: Ilham-Aliyev  

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