Petkim completed the first half of this year with record figures, according to the report.
During the reporting period, the complex produced 1.7 million tons of products, which is 10.5 percent more than in the same period last year.
Sales volume amounted to 1.2 million tons, which is 21.6 percent more than in the first half of 2018.
Petkim manufactures plastic packaging, fabrics, PVC, detergents, and being the only Turkish manufacturer of these products, the company exports a quarter of its production.
The complex includes 14 factories manufacturing 20 different types of products. Petkim's production capacity is 3.6 million tons per year.
Equity participation of shareholders in the complex’s capital is as follows: SOCAR Turkey Petrokimya A.S. - 51 percent, and 49 percent of the shares are in free float on the stock exchange.