Existence of Gold Train Is `Matter of Faith` - Polish Official

  03 September 2015    Read: 924
Existence of Gold Train Is `Matter of Faith` - Polish Official
Poland`s culture minister said that the government body will not respond to inquiries regarding the rumored "gold train" because the rumored finding is a matter of faith rather than facts.
There are no facts confirming or denying the existence of the gold train in Poland, the country`s Minister of Culture and National Heritage Malgorzata Omilanowska said on Wednesday, Polish Radio reported.

Two men previously claimed to have found a Nazi gold train carrying a trove of gold and other valuable treasures back to Germany ahead of the Red Army`s advance. The two men want ten percent of the train`s value in exchange for information on its location.

"Right now the `gold train` is a matter of faith in a legend. We are divided into believers and skeptics. There are no exact facts," Omilanowska told reporters.

Omilanowska added that culture ministry officials have been pounced on by reporters in recent days, but will not respond to inquiries because they have no understanding of the issue. She said that all questions should be directed to the head of the region where the rumored train is said to be located.

Poland`s deputy culture minister Piotr Zuchowski previously said that the train is "99 percent" likely to exist.

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