The Week in PICTURES

  05 September 2015    Read: 1368
The Week in PICTURES
Migrants struggle on the tracks in Hungary, a young bullfighter dreams, a sheep needs shearing, and more of this week`s best pictures.

1. Migrants walk through a field to cross the border from Greece to Macedonia near the Greek village of Idomeni on Aug. 29. Hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing war and economic migrants escaping poverty have been arriving in Europe, on rickety boats across the Mediterranean and over land across the Balkan peninsula.

2. Hungarian police apprehend a family of migrants on the tracks in Bicske, Hungary on Sept. 3, after their train which departed from Budapest was stopped and the passengers were ordered to depart and be transferred to a refugee camp. Scuffles broke out between police and disappointed migrants who wanted to continue their journey to Germany and Austria.

3. A judge hits a woman with a whip in front of a crowd in Ghor province, Afghanistan, on Aug. 31. An Afghan man and woman found guilty of adultery received 100 lashes in front of a crowd.

4. A masked Kurdish protester holds a Molotov cocktail in front of a burning barricade during clashes with Turkish police on Aug. 27 in Istanbul. Turkish cities are tense as the government presses a controversial campaign against Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants.

5. A cyclist passes in front of a "supermoon" in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain, on Aug. 29. A "supermoon" occurs when a full Moon coincides with the Moon`s approach to its perigee – the point on its orbit closest to the Earth.

6. A very woolly merino sheep wanders on its own outside Canberra, Australia. Animal welfare officers made a desperate appeal for shearers on Sept. 1 after the sheep was spotted by local bushwalkers. Fleece from the sheep - whose life was potentially in danger - weighed in at more than 88 pounds.

7. A boy pretends to be a bullfighter backstage at a bullring in San Sebastian De Los Reyes, Spain, on Aug. 28.

8. Palestinians fight to free a boy, bottom, held by an Israeli soldier during a protest against the confiscation of land to expand a Jewish settlement on Aug. 28 in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh.

9. A polar bear vehicle drives through the dust during the annual Burning Man festival in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada on Sept. 2. This year`s theme is "Carnival of Mirrors."

10. Former President George W. Bush dances with Asia Muhaimin, the Warren Easton High School band director, as the group performs during a visit to the school to mark the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina on Aug. 28 in New Orleans.

11. An engineer peeks through the tunnel boring machine, nicknamed Helen, after it breaks through a junction on the metro line in Bangalore, India, on Aug. 31.

12. African penguins walk near Burghers walk at dawn in Cape Town, South Africa, on Aug. 28. Cape Town has placed a ban on dogs in the area after eight of the endangered birds were found dead last week.

13. Fire fighters smother the embers of a forest fire in Galicia, Spain, on Aug. 30.

14. A police officer cradles the body of drowned migrant child Aylan Kurdi near the Turkish resort of Bodrum on Sept. 2. A friend of the family, Mustafa Ebdi, told NBC News he had spoken to the boys` grieving father, Abdullah. Ebdi said Abdullah told him the family was trying to cross to Greece on Tuesday when their boat capsized and that his wife and two of their children — Aylan and Ghalib — had perished. Abdullah survived.

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