Georgian government begins developing e-government

  11 March 2014    Read: 560
Georgian government begins developing e-government
The State Commission`s first meeting on e-government promotion headed by Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili was held at the State Chancellery, the Georgian government told Trend on March 10.

Garibashvili stressed the significance of strengthening the local self-governance bodies and appealed to the commission with an initiative to increase the number of the public centers.
The Justice Ministry`s agency on data exchange familiarized the commission members with the action plan and "electronic Georgia" strategy for 2014-2018, which include 11 priority areas. A decision was made at the meeting that the work on the action plan as part of the working groups will continue on a daily basis. A report will be submitted to the Prime Minister on a monthly basis.

The purpose of the commission is to coordinate and to take the appropriate decisions through the systems based on e-government.

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