Frozen breast milk lasts a lot longer than you`d think

While breast milk does have the ability to stay fresh for as long as a YEAR, it is worth noting that this is only when it has been frozen.
Milk kept at room temperature (no more than 25 degrees C) lasts for around three to four hours and refrigerated milk stays fresh for three to five days.
When it comes to freezing your expressed milk, frozen breast milk can stay fresh for two weeks if kept in a fridge’s freezer compartment, but three to six months in a home freezer (at minus 18 degrees C or less).
Amazingly, when breast milk if ‘deep frozen’, in a chest freezer or similar, it can keep for an even more impressive six to twelve months.
To get the most out of your milk, wash your hands before pumping and make sure that all equipment and bottles are kept super clean.
Mums should try to refrigerate their milk as soon as possible pumping, as the milk will spoils faster if you keep it at room temperature – and beginning to smell and taste sour.
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