Term `Brexit` Enters Oxford English dictionary

  15 December 2016    Read: 947
Term `Brexit` Enters Oxford English dictionary
The term Brexit used for the process of the United Kingdom`s leaving the European Union, has been included in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), the OED`s press service said in a statement Thursday.
On June 23, the United Kingdom voted in a referendum to leave the European Union. After the Brexit vote, London has to negotiate a new relationship with Brussels.

"Brexit’s inclusion in the OED December update within five years of being coined is highly unusual. The speed with which it became widely used and recognized was impressive, fuelled by the fact it filled an empty space in our language, and the growing importance of the phenomenon it described… By late 2016 it was a global word," the statement said, describing the inclusion of the word in the OED.

The statement added that the term Brexit had not only spread, but also had been reproduced in many other terms, such as "Brexiteer" and "Brexodus" among others.


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