Search Still On for 13 Missing After Okhotsk Sea Trawler Accident

  06 April 2015    Read: 719
Search Still On for 13 Missing After Okhotsk Sea Trawler Accident
A representative of the Far East division of the Russian Emergencies Ministry said that a search operation is still underway in the Sea of Okhotsk, where a fishing freezer trawler sank last week.
A search operation is still underway in the Sea of Okhotsk, where a fishing freezer trawler sank last week, killing at least 56 people, a representative of the Far East division of the Russian Emergencies Ministry told RIA Novosti on Monday.

"The search continues on Monday. There are over 20 fishing vessels on site, the Emergencies Ministry aviation will also take part in the search," the representative said.

Almost 8,000 square kilometres (4,970 square miles) of sea were examined in the past 24 hours, while a total of 30,000 square kilometres (18,641 square miles) were searched over since the start of the search and rescue operation, according to the Emergencies Ministry.

"Unfortunately, the search did not yield any results. As of now, the fate of 13 people remains unknown," the Emergencies Ministry said in a statement released on Monday.

The Dalniy Vostok trawler sank in the Sea of Okhotsk shortly before midnight on Wednesday. There were 132 people on board the vessel. Rescue teams have lifted a total of 119 people from the water, 56 of them had died. The fate of the remaining 13 remains unknown. It is unlikely that they have managed to survive because death is imminent for those staying in freezing waters over 15 minutes, with or without a thermal wetsuit.

On Saturday, acting S`khalin governor Oleg Kozhemyako said that the ship`s sinking was likely caused by the crew`s failure to comply with safety regulations. A criminal case has been opened and an investigation into the accident is underway.

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