Donald Trump`s eyes replaced with his mouth and he looks the same

  27 February 2016    Read: 9002
Donald Trump`s eyes replaced with his mouth and he looks the same
Everyone has made fun of Donald Trump`s hairpiece and uneven tan
During last night`s GOP debate, Twitter user @recordsANDradio made a startling discovery. For some unknown medical reason, Donald Trump`s eyes appeared to look exactly like his lips. To test his theory, @recordsANDradio made a Photoshop where he replaced Trump`s eyes with his lips.

Compare and contrast for yourself. First, here`s a normal photo of Trump, eyes and lips intact.

And now, here`s the Photoshopped version.

As the kids would say, WTF. There may be no known genetic deformity where the brain substitutes lips for eyes. But Trump`s smug mug makes a powerful, terrifying case.

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