"The European Union and the Eurasian Economic Community should have a dialogue"

  28 April 2015    Read: 675
"The European Union and the Eurasian Economic Community should have a dialogue"
He said that great powers are more required leadership: “Frankly speaking, I am more in favor of diplomacy. I think the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Community should have a dialogue. The European Union may cooperate more with Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. The U.S’ mistake is that it didn’t join the China-led Asian Infrastructure Bank. It doesn’t mean that we agree with everything, but one need to be able to work with the recommendations of partners”.

Former Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga disagreed with it and said that no country should be responsible for the security of the world: “They are responsible for peace within their borders, with their neighbors. They can’t decide the fate of the world. As former head of the country, I consider great powers’ making all decisions is wrong. I think that the countries can’t be based on the decisions of the biggest countries.”

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