White House defends using

  30 April 2015    Read: 665
White House defends using
White House defends using
The White House on Wednesday defended President Barack Obama’s use of the word ‘thugs’ to describe looters and rioters who tore through Baltimore’s streets Monday.

“Whether it`s arson or, you know, the looting of a liquor store, those were thuggish acts,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters.

In remarks at the White House Tuesday, Obama lashed out at the “handful of criminals and thugs who tore up the place,” describing them as a distraction from the scores of protesters who have taken to city streets following the death of Freddie Gray, an unarmed black man who died from spinal injuries a week after police took him into custody.

The use of the word ‘thug’ to describe looters has drawn sharp criticism from protesters and commentators who say that it carries undue racial overtones.

Baltimore City Councilman Carl Stokes sharply condemned the use of the word while speaking with a CNN reporter.

“Just call them n*****s," Stokes said, using a highly charged racial slur. "No. We don`t have to call them by names such as that."

Relative calm has returned to Baltimore`s streets after the melee Monday. There were only limited clashes between protesters and police shortly after a 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew went into effect Tuesday night, and most of the night passed without incident.

Schools reopened Wednesday as National Guardsmen remained in place to ensure that Monday`s violence would not be repeated.

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