Azerbaijani defense minister meets with new ambassador of Ukraine

  19 July 2019    Read: 1583
 Azerbaijani defense minister meets with new ambassador of Ukraine

Azerbaijan’s defense minister, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov has met with the newly appointed Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine to Azerbaijan Vladislav Kanevsky, reports with reference to Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry.

Hasanov congratulated the ambassador on the commencement of diplomatic activities in Azerbaijan and wished him success in expanding cooperation between Azerbaijan and Ukraine.

Noting that military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Ukraine is being held both in a bilateral format and within various programs of NATO, Hasanov expressed hope that this cooperation will continue.

The ambassador expressed satisfaction with the beginning of diplomatic activity in Azerbaijan and stressed that he will make every effort to develop Azerbaijani-Ukrainian relations, in particular, cooperation in the military field.

More about: Azerbaijan   Ukraine  

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