Sangachal terminal exported about 134 million barrels of oil during first half of 2019

  02 August 2019    Read: 1635
  Sangachal terminal exported about 134 million barrels of oil during first half of 2019

During the first half, the Sangachal terminal exported about 134 million barrels of oil, which included around 121 million barrels through Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) and more than 13 million barrels through the Western Route Export Pipeline (WREP), BP has said.

According to BP, on average, about 46 million standard cubic metres (about 1,610 million standard cubic feet) of Shah Deniz gas was exported from the terminal daily in the first half of 2019.

“During the first half of 2019, oil and gas from ACG and Shah Deniz continued to flow via subsea pipelines to the Sangachal terminal. The daily capacity of the terminal’s processing systems is currently 1.2 million barrels of crude oil and about 80 million standard cubic metres of Shah Deniz gas, while overall processing and export capacity for gas, including ACG associated gas is around 100 million standard cubic metres per day,” the company said.

“Gas is exported via the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP), the South Caucasus Pipeline expansion system and via SOCAR gas pipelines connecting the terminal’s gas processing facilities with Azerigas’s national grid system,” the company added.

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