Baku-Ankara unity unshakable, says Turkish ombudsman

  15 September 2021    Read: 368
 Baku-Ankara unity unshakable, says Turkish ombudsman

Azerbaijani-Turkish unity is unshakable, Chief Ombudsman of Turkey Şeref Malkoç told journalists on Wednesday, reports.

“The heroism shown by our martyrs in the struggle for the independence of Azerbaijan at the beginning of the 20th century laid the foundation for unshakable fraternal ties between Azerbaijan and Turkey. This unity and brotherhood will contribute to the welfare of both Turkey and Azerbaijan, and the Caucasus as a whole and the entire world,” Malkoç said.

“On the 103rd anniversary of the liberation of Baku from occupation, we honor the memory of all our heroes and martyrs led by the victorious commander of the Caucasian Islamic Army Nuru Pasha. Thanks to his valiance and courage the Azerbaijani-Turkish brotherhood has strengthened even more,” he added.

On September 15, 1918, the Caucasian Islamic Army, which included the Azerbaijan Corps, liberated Baku from the Bolshevik-Dashnak occupation.

More about: Azerbaijan   Turkey  

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