Lavrov, Steinmeier discuss Syria, Libya, Ukrainian crisis

  30 September 2015    Read: 689
Lavrov, Steinmeier discuss Syria, Libya, Ukrainian crisis
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has discussed with his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session in New York the situation in Syria, Libya and the Ukrainian crisis in the context of the upcoming October 2 summit in the "Normandy Format," the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday.
"The two top diplomats discussed practical issues relating to the Russian-German relations, including the development of bilateral economic ties and preparations for the Year of Youth Exchanges in 2016," the ministry noted.

A TASS correspondent reports from Berlin that the German Foreign Ministry has informed on its official Twitter page that Steinmeier and Lavrov held "a long conversation on ways of defusing the conflict in Syria and the implementation of the Minsk agreements on eastern Ukraine."

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