President Aliyev attends opening of highway after reconstruction - PHOTOS

  17 February 2016    Read: 1998
President Aliyev attends opening of highway after reconstruction - PHOTOS
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of the newly-reconstructed Tovuz-Hunanlar-Garakhanli-Duz Jirdakhan highway.

The president viewed photo stands reflecting the work done.

The Azerbaijani president was informed about the work done as part of the project on the reconstruction of the road. Some three million manats were allocated from the President`s Contingency Fund to Tovuz District Executive Authority for the reconstruction of Tovuz-Hunanlar-Garakhanli-Duz Jirdakhan highway at the initial stage. The reconstruction of the 33.8 km-long highway started in October, 2014.

The width of the 3rd degree road is four km. Five water crossings were installed along the highway, and two bridges were repaired.

The road links 13 residential areas with the total population of 32,000 people.

The head of state cut the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the highway.


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