2016 will be successful year for Azerbaijan - President Aliyev

  17 February 2016    Read: 1769
2016 will be successful year for Azerbaijan - President Aliyev
“Agricultural production should be and will be our main export product after oil and gas”, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said at the opening of Tovuzchay water reservoir in Tovuz, AzVision.az reports.

“Agriculture will develop where there is water. Our main desire is to developed agriculture in all regions even faster, since the development of agriculture means the opening of jobs, creation of local production”, said Aliyev.

The Head of State recalled the implementation of two similar projects - Takhtakorpu and Shamkirchay water reservoirs, noted that the state, investing in this sector, has several objectives: "First of all, it is a very important project for the sustainable use of our water resources. Here is the solution to water security issues, which is of particular importance for a country like Azerbaijan, which depends more from external sources of water. We need to maximize the use of our water resources. At the same time, the rapid development of agriculture will be provided in the future”.

Recalling that last year the agriculture increased by more than 6 percent, President Ilham Aliyev expressed hope that it will grow more rapidly this year: “In all regions should be carried out specialization. Tovuz region has traditional agricultural products. Its development, creation of new acreage, in particular, the development of viticulture, is important. Improve people`s living standards. We will ensure our food security. Our main task is not only to provide ourselves throughout the food production, but also in the output with high-quality products to foreign markets. In this direction has been taken important steps. Putting into operation Tovuzchay water reservoir occupies a special place among them”.

The Head of State expressed confidence that 2016 will be a success in Azerbaijan in terms of socio-economic development: “The world economy is covered by the ongoing crisis. The conclusion I came to participating in the World Economic Forum and the Forum for Security earlier this year, is that the end of this crisis is not visible yet. Our region is experiencing an economic and, in some cases - the military and political crisis. Azerbaijan is also a space of stability, the country`s development. Although our revenues declined significantly, however, we need to work even more effectively. I am confident that through the development of, in particular, agriculture, processing or industrial sectors we will achieve economic progress. I am confident that 2016 will be a successful one for our country. The budget will be amended, and we will implement all the necessary social and investment projects with a minimum level of oil prices - $ 25’.

"Oil prices have fallen in four times. Of course, this is a big test for the oil-producing countries. But the difficulties experienced and the countries that do not have natural resources, as traditional markets for them can no longer buy their products as in previous years. Of course, the drop in oil prices is a concern and countries rich in natural resources. Therefore, I believe that now we have to build and build our economic development only on the basis of non-oil sector. In this case, we are honored to overcome any crisis, and will ensure a successful and sustainable development of our country. Therefore, at this stage, the priority issues are, in particular, business development, the deepening of radical reforms. I am confident that the planned to the end of the last and beginning of this year the new reforms in the near future will work”, said President Ilham Aliyev.

According to the President, all of the financial and economic mechanisms in Azerbaijan must rely on the experience of the leading countries of the world: “The development of the financial and economic sector will allow us to be independent of oil prices. That is our main task is. The main role here, of course, plays the development of the regions. In 2004, when received by the first regional development program, I said that the development of our country should depend on the non-oil sector. From that day to the present time in all regions, including in the western region, many important projects have been implemented. If we would not adopt the program of regional development, today could be a very difficult situation. So I am convinced that in 2016 we should complete successfully. To achieve this, there are opportunities. The ruling in Azerbaijan, socio-political stability, unity between the people and the authority, sound economic policies and the deepening of reform, I am sure, will enable us to successfully complete and this year. We have set a task that in a few years to completely eliminate the dependence on the oil factor. I am confident that we will achieve this”.

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