Seoul unlikely to help N Korea amid floods due to Pyongyang`s nuclear test

  19 September 2016    Read: 1210
Seoul unlikely to help N Korea amid floods due to Pyongyang`s nuclear test
South Korea is unlikely to help North Korea even if Pyongyang were to ask for assistance amid floods because of its latest nuclear test, a South Korean Unification Minister spokesman said Monday.
Last week, winds and flashfloods hit North Korea, reportedly killing over 130 people and destroying thousands of buildings.

"Even if North Korea appeals for help, we don`t think the possibility is high for assistance to be given under the current situation," spokesman Jeong Joon-hee told a briefing, as quoted by the Yonhap news agency.

On September 9, Pyongyang carried out a nuclear test at its northeastern nuclear test site. The nuclear experiment is believed to be the fifth and the largest since North Korea started pursuing nuclear and ballistic missile programs, drawing condemnation from the international community.

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