Donald Trump mocked for thanking himself

  30 December 2016    Read: 1274
Donald Trump mocked for thanking himself
Now that Donald Trump’s ever so gracious “thank you” tour through key battleground states is over - it’s completion was marked with water cannon geysers and greetings from hoop-skirted Southern ladies - the President-elect has taken to direct his energies at thanking himself.
Giving himself a good old pat on the back, the billionaire property developer has appeared to congratulate himself for a recent surge in the Conference Board’s consumer confidence index.

According to Bloomberg and the Associated Press, the index, which is used to gauge consumers’ assessment of current conditions, rose to 113.7 in December. This is the highest level it’s reached since 2001.

Mr Trump concluded the tweet by expressing gratitude to himself in third person: “Thanks Donald!”

While some were probably hoping the world would have a break from Mr Trump’s relentless tweeting habit while he gorged on Turkey in Trump Tower, this was by no means his only festive tweet. And nor was it his only self-congratulatory tweet. On Boxing Day, he decided to announce the world was “gloomy” before he won and Christmas spending is now over a trillion dollars.

“The world was gloomy before I won - there was no hope. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over a trillion dollars!”

People have relished in mocking Mr Trump for his “Thanks Donald!” sign-off and one person even suggested there was potential it could become the new "Thanks Obama" meme. In turn, Mr Trump has been mockingly thanked for everything from cereal discounts to a cat purring to oxygen.

"There`s potential that #ThanksDonald may eclipse #ThanksObama for pure levels of snark," wrote one.

"Has Donald Trump thanked himself for killing Osama bin Laden yet? #ThanksDonald," said another.

The “Thanks Obama” meme was started by conservatives on Twitter in 2009 and 2010 to thank Barack Obama for things they did not like i.e. health-care reform, the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and national debt. However, the meme was reappropriated after the 2010 midterm election. In its new guise, the “Thanks Obama” meme sarcastically blamed Mr Obama for every mishap imaginable, covering everything from a man spilling food to the power going out at the Super Bowl in 2013.

/The Independent/

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