Laugh or cry: Top seven most ridiculous news stories of 2016

  01 January 2017    Read: 1476
Laugh or cry: Top seven most ridiculous news stories of 2016
News is supposed to inform people about something unusual. But these news stories have taken the biscuit in terms of their absurdity, Sputnik reported.
Below are the most ridiculous news stories of 2016 that will make you shiver or laugh to death.

1.How Two Russian Men Tried to Sell "Secrets" to CIA

Two residents of the Trans-Baikal Region tried to sell the US intelligence Russian "secrets" which they made up by themselves. For instance, they wrote to the CIA where Russia was allegedly planning to deploy its military units and missiles.

One man invented the facts, and the other wrote a letter to the intelligence service, in which the two men offered the US to buy their "information." The CIA wrote potential "informants" a letter in return, but did not send them the money. When the two pranksters were caught, the Russian intelligence service FSB issued them a warning.

2. How a Russian Woman Attacked a `Spermatozoid`

A resident of the Russian city of Pervouralsk obviously perceived herself as a true "morality advocate." When the city held an event dedicated to World AIDS Day, she saw a young man dressed as spermatozoid and decided to attack him. The man was handing out leaflets and condoms, warning against unprotected sex. The woman apparently viewed the situation in her own way, accused the man of "spoiling" the youth and attacked him with a bag. The young man had to leave the place.

3. How Chinese Man Almost Died While Cracking Nuts

Some people are born under a lucky star, and, apparently, a resident of one of the Chinese villages was one of them. The 25-year-old man chopped walnuts with a hand grenade (!) not knowing that the device could explode and kill him. He realized that something was wrong only after he read a memo on a device, reminding him of a ban for possession of firearms and explosives. He brought the grenade to the police, where he learned that "the nutcracker" could explode in his hand any time.

4. How French Robbers Failed to Steal Money from McDonalds

Robbers from the French city of Besancon were, however, not so lucky. They tried to rob a McDonald`s restaurant at the very moment when members of police special forces were having their dinner there. The two young men came inside and demanded to give them the money, threatening the visitors with a hunting rifle. The police didn`t detain the would-be robbers in the building in order to avoid casualties, but followed the young men when they ran out of the restaurant. The two men were arrested.

5. US Woman Fails to Prove to Her Husbands Lottery Habit was a Waste of Money

The next story is about a woman who wanted to prove to her husband that he should have a reasonable approach to spending. The husband of US citizen Glenda Blackwell was fond of the lottery, and his wife decided to break him of the "bad habit." She bought a lottery ticket for ten dollars to show him that the lottery is a waste of money, but…failed. The ticket was a lucky one and she won one million dollars. As result, Blackwell was forced to take her words back, but apparently, without much regret.

6. A Man Wanted to be Imprisoned to Get Away From His Wife

Married life is definitely not an easy test for a couple. For example, an American from Kansas, robbed the bank, just to get away from his wife, with whom he had quarreled. Seventy-year-old Lawrence John Ripple went to the bank and threatened a bank employee to give him the money. Afterwards, he didn`t run away, but sat down in the lobby and waited until the police arrived. Later, the police found out that the man told his wife that for him "it is better to be in prison than at home."

7. How a Chinese Man Underwent Hemorrhoid Removal Surgery by Mistake

Sometimes people get caught up in an extraordinary situation against their will. In a Chinese hospital in the city of Shenyang, a young man was waiting for his wife t give birth to their child when he suddenly was called by a doctor from the nearby office and was ordered to undress himself and lie down on the operating table. The man tried to learn the reason, but the surgeon ordered "to do what he said" and the man obeyed. As a result, he had a hemorrhoids removal surgery. After the "patient" demanded an explanation from the medical institution, the administration recognized that the man was operated by mistake and promised to pay compensation. The hospital`s lawyer, in his turn, said that the man himself was partly to blame for the mistake, as he is an adult and is responsible for his actions.

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