Vandal alters iconic Hollywood sign to read `Hollyweed`

  02 January 2017    Read: 2315
Vandal alters iconic Hollywood sign to read `Hollyweed`
Nearly one month after recreational use of cannabis was legalized in California, an unidentified prankster transformed the famous ‘Hollywood’ sign on Mount Lee into saying ‘Hollyweed.’
On Sunday night, just about three hours into 2017, a suspect wearing all black turned the sign`s "Os" into "Es" by using two black tarps, according to a Los Angeles Police Department representative.

Soon after the news broke, crowds of hikers started to gather in the area near the sign to see it for themselves and take photographs against the unique background. Some of the residents told reporters they were stunned when they heard about what had happened because changing a huge sign guarded by several protective fences didn`t sound like an easy feat.

Most US outlets suggest that the vandal was inspired by the recent legalization of non-medical use of marijuana in California. But if the guy`s goal was to be original, he failed. The sign had already been changed in the same way decades ago, and the Los Angeles Times` Shelby Grand posted photo proof of it on her twitter account.

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