US: Tom Price sworn in as health secretary

  11 February 2017    Read: 1060
US: Tom Price sworn in as health secretary
Price expected to help Trump dismantle Obamacare
Tom Price was sworn in Friday as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Donald Trump administration.

Price, an orthopedic surgeon and a Republican representative for the state of Georgia since 2005, was administered the oath of office by Vice President Mike Pence following a confirmation by the Senate in a 52-47 vote earlier Friday.

With his appointment, Price becomes the point man for executing the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act, commonly dubbed Obamacare.

Having Price at the helm of HHS "gives us a committed ally" in fight against Obamacare, House Speaker Paul Ryan said.

President Trump has been a vocal critic of the program, promising to dismantle it and replace it with one that keeps its best parts and addresses its failings, such as rising premiums and deductibles caused by low enrollment as well as technical problems that have hurt its effectiveness.

One of the legislative options Price might push is Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act passed in January 2016 but blocked by former President Barack Obama. It is projected to save hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money over the next eight years, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

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