Trump`s Treasury Sec nominee to let Wall Street `blow up` US economy - Warren

  11 February 2017    Read: 1325
Trump`s Treasury Sec nominee to let Wall Street `blow up` US economy - Warren
Steven Mnuchin, President Donald Trump`s nominee for Treasury Secretary, is not going to stand up against powerful Wall Street interests to protect the American people, US Senator Elizabeth Warren stated on Friday.
Trump announced he had picked Mnuchin to head the Treasury Department in November. Mnuchin had worked for the financial investment firm Goldman Sachs for 25 years.

"If Wall Street threatens to blow up the economy again does anyone seriously expect Mr. Mnuchin to get tough with his old buddies and tell them knock it off?" Warren said on the Senate floor.

On February 1, the US Senate Finance Committee suspended rules for a confirmation hearing and advanced the nomination of Mnuchin.

The final vote of the full Senate is expected to take place on Monday night.

Warren pointed out that Mnuchin has demonstrated no independence from Wall Street, and urged her colleagues to examine his record of allegedly profiting off the financial crisis by squeezing working families to the breaking point.

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