People who are always late are more successful and creative

  15 May 2017    Read: 2763
People who are always late are more successful and creative
We all know that one person, a friend, a colleague, a sibling, an uncle that's always late to everything whether it be work, social events or family gatherings (if you don't know someone, it's you).
Well good news for latecomers, they're more successful than punctual people.

According to various studies those who are always late are less prone to stress, more optimistic and more enthusiastic.

Disorganised people are more enthusiastic.

People who are disorganised, and therefore always late are often more 'extroverted, spontaneous, high-spirited and playful', according to the Personality Types study.

Many late people tend to be both optimistic and unrealistic, and this affects their perception of time. They really believe they can go for a run, pick up their clothes at the dry cleaners, buy groceries and drop off the kids at school in an hour.

They remember that single shining day 10 years ago when they really did all those things in 60 minutes flat, and forget all the other times that everything took much, much longer.

Different types of people actually perceive time differently.

The passing of time actually feels different between different types of people. According to a study from Jeff Conte, an associate psychology professor at San Diego State University carried out an experiment of 'type A' and 'type B' people. Type A are more competitive, organised and impatient, type B people are more relaxed, disorganised and creative. After one minute, they asked people from both groups to guess how much time had passed. Type A people averaged guesses of 58 seconds, whereas type B answered 77 seconds.

Multi-taskers also perceive time more slowly.

Conte assessed 181 New York subway operators and found that those who often multitasked tended to be late more often than others.

Why? Because they're engrossed in what they're doing, and therefore lose track of time.

Positivity actually makes you late.

Positive thinking is the trait that makes you more successful in life, and also the trait that makes you often late.

A study from Metropolitan Life among salesmen shows that optimists tend to complete 88 per cent more sales than their colleagues.

So you might be coming into work five minutes late, but optimism also makes you live longer, and less stressed.

Another benefit for tardy people is that they're less likely to experience heart disease.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, those who are more uptight are more prone to stress and therefore heart diseases, according to a study from the International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology.

/The Independent/

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