Azerbaijan, TRACECA consider regional opportunities of post-Karabakh conflict period 

  07 May 2021    Read: 828
Azerbaijan, TRACECA consider regional opportunities of post-Karabakh conflict period 

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov held a meeting with the Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat (PS) of the Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) of TRACECA Asset Assavbayev, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported.

During the meeting, Bayramov informed Assavbayev about the new realities in the region after the [Nagorno-Karabakh] conflict, including opportunities in the transport sector.

He said it is possible to talk about normalizing relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia by eliminating the occupation factor, emphasizing the importance of implementing the trilateral statements of November 10, 2020 and January 11, 2021, which provide for the opening of transport and communication lines.

Moreover, Jeyhun Bayramov noted that the region has suffered for a long time and needs lasting peace, and in this regard, joint economic and transport projects to be implemented by the countries of the region will make peace irreversible.

In turn, during the meeting, Assavbayev congratulated the people of Azerbaijan on the end of the conflict and its entry into the post-conflict stage. At this stage, TRACECA has ample opportunities to implement major projects through the expansion of transport lines.

The secretary-general informed Bayramov about the agreement on the development of the Europe-Caucasus-Asia international transport corridor, the activities of the Permanent Secretariat, the results of activities of 2020, and new initiatives, as well as expanding the geography of activities, cooperation with the EU, and other issues.

The parties agreed to take appropriate measures to support the activities of the Europe-Caucasus-Asia international transport corridor TRACECA at the regional and international levels.

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