`Sympathy of Arabs in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is with Azerbaijan`

  09 December 2013    Read: 1047
`Sympathy of Arabs in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is with Azerbaijan`
Interview with Moroccan political scientist and a well-known representative of the Arab and Islamic thought Dr. Driss El Hani.
Dr. Hani is known for his criticism of ideologies in the Arab world and political Islam. He is the author of such books as "Scattered Ideological maps: The Ideology and the conflict of Islamic and Arab contemporary ideologies", “A dialogue between civilizations”, “Islam and Modernity” and others.

Dr. Driss, you attended the international conference under the title "Arab countries after recent transformations: social, economic and political changes", which has recently been held in Baku. What are your impressions of the conference and its discussions?

It was a very successful conference in all senses. Different ideas and opinions were expressed in a democratic and peaceful atmosphere which is conducive to dialogue. Every speaker had an opportunity to express his own opinion and to listen to the opinion of others. I would like to note that participation of the representatives of different countries enriched the conference with discussions and opinions, which can only be heard outside the Arab world. The conference reflected opposite viewpoints and attitudes that exist in the Arab world. As I understand it, the purpose of the conference was to provide an opportunity for all participants to make contributions and to listen to different opinions - and this goal was achieved very well. It was very reasonable that at the end of the conference a declaration was not adopted. Because, declarations usually reflect a collective opinion, but the main objective of this conference was to create an intellectual dialogue, hear different and opposite viewpoints. As I told in my speech, one of the most important social and religious "duties", which has been forgotten today in the Arab culture, is the ability to dissent, the ability to listen, quietly and reasonably perceive a different perspective on issues and things. Obviously, the idea of holding an international conference dedicated to the Arab world, in Baku is a positive initiative, which transferred a discussion of the Arab world issues to the different geocultural space.

In what way do you think Baku can become a platform where intellectuals and intelligentsia from Muslim world, in general, and Arab world, in particular, could meet each other and conduct an open dialogue and discussions on important issues related to Muslim societies?

Certainly, discussion on topical issues of Arab and Islamic worlds, should take place in a calm atmosphere. It would help to solve many problems. Azerbaijan, as part of the Islamic world, may become a new platform that can support discussions within the Islamic world. In that case, he would enrich the Islamic world by giving the opportunity to discuss and solve problems in a calm atmosphere. Because, troubled regions may add tension to discussions on burning issues of the Arab and Islamic worlds. An "open dialogue", as you called it, is very important but intellectuals of these countries haven`t yet got accustomed to it. Here prevails only one definite opinion. And the expression of a different opinion is considered a luxury or completely forbidden! The world is moving towards an open society. Thus, it is impossible to imagine an open society in which a frank dialogue does not exist. And if we want to keep up with the times and respond to the challenges of the future, it is necessary to create conditions in society for intellectual discussion, exchange and dialogue.

You frequently write about the crucial importance of dialogue between Muslims and proximity of schools of Islamic law. It is known, that you are one of those intellectuals who have been calling Arabs and Muslims to dialogue, cooperation and mutual understanding for many years. How can Azerbaijan contribute to the culture of dialogue?

Azerbaijan has made important steps in the field of peaceful coexistence between all representatives of the Azerbaijani people and it has sufficient means, experience and knowledge to strengthen this policy, which is almost absent in our Arab environment. Certainly, the prosperity of coexistence between different ethnic and religious groups in Azerbaijan is a factor that strengthens the country and does not weaken it in contrast to many Arab countries. It is time when calls for dialogue between Muslims and harmonization or proximity of schools of Islamic law must move from theory to practice and rely on real examples and models. In this sense, Azerbaijan can play an important role in bringing various groups in the Islamic world closer to each other and become a kind of oasis from which the idea of coexistence between different ethnic groups and representatives of different religions, trends and sects within Islam could spread. I am talking about the idea which is based on a real culture of tolerance and "acceptance of the other" – two main fundamentals of the public consent.

What new book are you working currently on?

I am working on different texts simultaneously, including a book about the so-called "Arab Spring revolutions". I am considering the situation of the Arab world after the revolutions. Especially, it is very interesting to me to examine the level of stability and regress of the state in this region, which has not reached any tangible results in achieving social justice. Besides some other texts, I am also working on a book about the idea of salvation and its connection with the historical development of human thought.

As you know, there were many Muslim states on the territory of contemporary Azerbaijan in the middle ages. Azerbaijan is mentioned in many Arab historical sources. Today, despite the fact that Azerbaijan had been among the Soviet republics for 70 years, Islam is still part of the identity of the majority of Azerbaijanis and Azerbaijani culture is part of Islamic culture. In this regard, I would like to ask if Muslim and Arab intellectuals are interested in problems of the region.

Unfortunately, Arabs have shown little interest in the problems of Azerbaijan. This is because the Arab media don`t cover the problems and issues related to Azerbaijan sufficiently. But, of course sympathy of Arabs in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is with Azerbaijan. It seems Azerbaijan also made an omission in the familiarization of the Arab region with the problem and failed to properly involve the media in covering this issue. I would like to note, that during the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the Arab public opinion was from the beginning on the side of Azerbaijan. It also should be noted that Azerbaijan has come a long way from a Soviet republic to an independent state and overcome a difficult transition period. Azerbaijan is one of the Soviet republics, which have preserved their Islamic identity. Thanks to the will of the people and leadership, Azerbaijan was able to restore its religious and national identity in a very short time. It is obvious that the country has made progress in several areas and continues to grow rapidly.

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