Azerbaijan, US cooperate to advance socio-economic development in Shirvan

  04 March 2016    Read: 1296
Azerbaijan, US cooperate to advance socio-economic development in Shirvan
The Birlik community of Shirvan city completed a major roofing renovation that will enhance the quality of life for over 1,000 people.
The project was implemented by the Socio-Economic Development Activity (SEDA) and co-financed by the governments of the United States and Azerbaijan, the US embassy in Baku told APA on Friday.

“For many years, residents living in five buildings in Shirvan have suffered from the effects of failing roofs that were built 40 years ago and never renovated. During rainy weather water leaks destroyed floors, furniture, and other household equipment. The poor conditions also had negative health effects, particularly on children and the elderly. To address this issue, SEDA helped the residents to renovate roofs of five apartment buildings to provide safe conditions for the people living under them,” said the embassy.

Since 2011, SEDA has provided over $1.2 million in funding for 60 projects in 53 communities benefiting more than 85,000 people around Azerbaijan.

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