Bull makes quick stop at the bank during Spain bull run

  28 July 2016    Read: 1316
Bull makes quick stop at the bank during Spain bull run
Video captured a bull taking a break from a bull run in Spain -- apparently to run a quick errand.
The beast glanced at a crowd of runners down the street before turning around and trotting through the door of a bank.

It happened during an annual bull run in Cheste, west of Valencia, The Local reported. The video appeared online Saturday.

Some of the men taking part in the bull run apparently didn`t want the fun to end. A few held the glass door open and called for the bull to come out, seemingly unafraid that the animal could gore them without warning.

After less than 30 seconds, the men suddenly sprinted away from the bank. Moments later, the bull bolted out of the building, ready to charge again.

The video apparently was recorded safely from a second-story perch.

The Cheste event is typically overshadowed by the Pamplona bull run, which took place earlier this month. The nine-day fiesta, known also for its 24-hour street partying, became world famous with Ernest Hemingway`s 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises" and attracts thousands of foreign tourists.

Twelve people, including four Americans, were gored in the eight runs at this year`s festival. Six were later released from the city hospital and the rest were said to be progressing well.

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