Azerbaijani, Armenian presidents expected to meet in the USA

  12 September 2016    Read: 1820
Azerbaijani, Armenian presidents expected to meet in the USA
Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents are expected to hold a bilateral meeting in New York, USA, US co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group James Warlick told, reports citing Interfax.

` We don’t have any concrete plans in regard with the Presidents’ meeting. We would like Presidents to hold a new bilateral meeting. However, the date and venue of the meeting have not been discussed yet` , Warlick said.

` We, co-chairs will meet with the Azerbaijani and Armenian FMs to lay the foundation for the next summit. Hopefully, we will hold negotiations with the FMs in two weeks in New York, in the course of the session of the United Nations General Assembly to discuss the next steps. We do hope that the meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents will be held there, too` , he added.

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